Ormax Media Pvt. Ltd.


Radio Contact Ormax Media Pvt. Ltd.


Our work for the radio industry covers a wide range of areas. Our proprietary music testing tool helps radio stations take more consumer-centric decisions related to music programming and song selection. We conduct listenership tracks and brand researches to help radio stations understand the performance of their brand vis-a-vis competition, a need accentuated by the absence of credible listenership data in the industry.

With the rise of digital audio consumption, ranging from music streaming apps to podcasts, the radio industry is in a critical phase, where it will have to adapt to changing consumer needs and expectations. Our strategic consulting solutions can help radio stations in effectively navigating through this exciting yet challenging phase.

Business Partners

Radio City


Ormax Heartbeats

Ormax Heartbeats (OHB) is our weekly popularity track for Hindi songs. It is India's only music charts report based on audience research. Since 2010, radio stations have used OHB to program their playlists for new songs.

Music Testing

Testing songs using our proprietary audience research methodology allows radio stations to design their music programming strategy for different day-parts, and identify song playlists that are most effective for each day-part.

Listenership Tracks

In the absence of credible radio listenership data, especially in the non-metros, listenership tracks are useful monthly or quarterly reports to assess the performance of a radio station vis-a-vis competition, on key brand and content parameters.

Let's Connect

Radio Insights

Certificate Program in Indian Media Business

Certificate Program in Indian Media Business

All the details - curriculum, schedule, faculty, course fee, and more - about our Certificate Program in Indian Media Business, which will be conducted from Feb 22 to Mar 15, 2025

Worth of the words

Worth of the words

An analysis of the top 200 Hindi songs over the last decade reveals that there has been a resurgence of songs with meaningful lyrics

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